
Our School - Uniform Policy and Dress Code
All students are required to wear the complete official St Thomas the Apostle Primary School uniform as it helps develop a sense of belonging, self-respect and a positive attitude to the school community. Therefore, it is not only important that the official school uniform is worn, but also that it is worn with pride.
The official uniform can be purchased through:
- Primary School Wear - PSW
- Unit 2, 10-12 South Link Dandenong South, VIC, 3175
- Phone: 03 8768 7490
School Uniform
Summer Girls:
- Official school dress
- Junior Girl's Short (ink)
- White up & down anklet socks
- School jumper
- Hair accessories should match the school colours (hair accessories come complimentary with the dress)
- Black shoes
- Official school hat between September 1st-April 30th
Summer Boys:
- Official lime green polo shirt
- Grey shorts
- Grey up & down anklet socks
- School jumper
- Black shoes
- Official school hat between September 1st - April 30th
Winter Girls:
- School jumper
- White blouse with “Peter Pan” collar
- School Box pleat tunic
- Navy knee high socks or navy tights
- Junior Girls Tailored Pant (navy)
- Black shoes
- Hair accessories should match the school colours (hair accessories come complimentary with the tunic)
Winter Boys:
- Long Sleeve white shirt
- School jumper
- Grey pleated trousers
- Grey up & down anklet socks
- Black shoes
Sports Uniform
Boys and Girls:
- Micromesh sports shorts
- Zip Jacket with school logo
- Zip cuff tracksuit pants
- White up & down anklet socks
- Sneakers
The sports uniform is worn by all students for their weekly sports lesson. At the beginning of each year communication will be sent by teachers to parents advising on what days their child is to wear the sports uniform.
School Bag
The official St Thomas the Apostle school bag is compulsory and can be purchased from Primary School Wear (PSW).
Uniform Tips
Please label your child’s name clearly on hats, jumpers, jackets and tracksuit pants, and check the label every term.
The white shirts can be bleached as they are completely white. Fold the jumper at the end of each day and only wash if absolutely necessary, no more than four times a year. Try brushing the jumper to clean rather than wash. Follow the washing instructions carefully.