Our Saint

St Thomas the Apostle is a fascinating Saint, especially for kids! Here are some key points about him that connect to our lives today:

1. Nickname and Personality: St Thomas is often called "Doubting Thomas" because he initially doubted Jesus' resurrection. At St Thomas The Apostle Primary School we encourage curiosity and the seeking of information and understanding through deep questioning. St Thomas was the first to recognise Jesus' divinity when he said 'My Lord and my God'.

2. Travelling with Jesus: He was one of Jesus' twelve apostles and traveled with him during his ministry. This means he witnessed many miracles and teachings firsthand.

3. Missionary Work: After Jesus' resurrection, Thomas traveled to spread the teachings of Jesus. He journeyed to India, where he built a Christian community sharing the message of Christianity.

4. Strength in Faith: Despite his doubts, St Thomas showed immense bravery and faith. He was willing to die for his beliefs and eventually became a martyr for the Christian faith.

5. Symbols: In art, St Thomas is often depicted holding a builder's square or a spear, which are symbols associated with him. These symbols can help people recognise him in paintings and statues. In many paintings and icons you can see a direct eye contact between St Thomas and Jesus.

6. Feast Day: St Thomas the Apostle's Feast Day is celebrated on July 3rd. This is a special day when Catholics honour his life and teachings. At our school we celebrate his Feast Day in the first weeks of Term 3.