Fee Schedule

For Catholic schools, the need to charge fees arises from the policy of successive governments over the years, which sees significantly lower per capita grants provided for students in non-government schools compared to students at government schools.  This means fees and levies must be charged, but at the same time, ensuring we are able to maintain some independence as part of a system, achieve the ideals of the Catholic Church in operating schools, and most effectively address local priorities.

We appreciate that some families may face hardship in meeting these fees, yet it is important to us that families currently sending children to St Thomas the Apostle are able to continue to do so.  It is important that families who want to access a Catholic education for their children are not excluded because they do not have the means to pay fees.  It is the expressed policy and practice of the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd and the school to assist any family in this situation. 
Families who experience personal financial hardship in meeting school fees at any stage, should contact the School Bursar to discuss St Thomas' School Fee Concession Program.  This includes those who hold a means-tested Health Care Card, however you may also apply for special consideration without a Health Care Card.

Fee Schedule 2024

Proposed Fee Schedule 2025

Health Care Card Concession - Camps, Sports and Excursion Funding application

School Fees Policy