Specialist Areas

Specialist Classes


In Sustainability and Stewardship students learn a variety of ways they can have a positive impact on the environment. We recognise that God calls us to look after His creation and that we all have a role to play in being caretakers of our world. We also recognise how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have nurtured and cared for this land for thousands of years and we look to them for inspiration when taking care of the land.

We take a positive and optimistic approach to learning about the challenges we are faced with today and will be in the future. Our goal is that every student feels empowered to be a role model in living sustainably and make positive contributions to our world. 

Physical Education

Each week, classes have a 50-minute session with a PE Specialist. On this day, students wear the school sports uniform. The focus of these sessions includes improving fundamental motor skills and developing students’ interpersonal skills through team-based games and activities. Students in Years 5/6 will participate in the Inter-School sports program in Term 3. Students in Prep, Years Two, Four and Six will participate in an intensive two week swimming program during the year.

Visual Arts

All students participate in a 40-minute lesson per week with their Visual Art specialist teacher. The curriculum gives students the chance to create, make, explore and respond to various art elements, mediums and tools. Students learn a variety of art making techniques such as painting, drawing, collage, printmaking, modelling, textiles and construction.

You will see students’ artwork displayed around the school showcasing their artistic abilities.

Students store their artworks in an art folio in the Art Room, which is taken home at the end of every year.  

Educational Philosophy

Learning and Teaching Policy