Inclusive Education

Students experience inclusive education when they can access and fully participate in learning, alongside their similar-aged peers, supported by reasonable adjustments and teaching strategies tailored to meet their individual needs. Inclusion is embedded in all aspects of school life, and is supported by culture, policies and every day practices.

Learning Adjustment

At St Thomas the Apostle, we value diversity and celebrate difference. Through an inclusive learning and teaching program, we endeavour to engage every learner to ensure their successful participation and maximised achievement regardless of academic, cultural, physical, social/emotional or behavioural difference. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the principles of social justice and equity for all underpin the practice of inclusion within our school.

The students at St Thomas the Apostle deserve the best possible education; an education that allows children of all abilities to reach their potential. Our staff are committed to ensuring positive learning outcomes for all students. by responding to their individual strengths, challenges and goals.

Through a personalised curriculum approach, we are able to cater for all students, including those with disabilities and additional needs. Working in close partnership with families, these students are supported with a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP), Student Adjustment Plan (SAP) and regular review and monitoring through Program Support Group Meetings (PSGs) each term.

Our Learning Adjustment Framework supports teachers to make the necessary adjustments to learning content and design, allowing students with disabilities and additional learning needs to engage with the curriculum and demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding.  Our teachers provide rigorous, relevant and engaging learning and assessment opportunities for students with diverse educational needs. We work very closely with allied health professionals to ensure we are adjusting the learning to meet the specific needs of our students.

The information we gather annually as part of the National Consistent Collection Of Data (NCCD) enables our school to better understand the needs of students with disability and how they can be best supported at St Thomas the Apostle.

Students identified ‘at risk’ are provided with opportunities to support them:

These include but are not limited to:-

  • Counselling by two qualified counsellors
  • Individual Learning Plans (academic and behavioural)
  • Program Support Groups partner with parents
  • Education Support Officers in each learning year level
  • Literacy Learning Intervention (LLI)
  • Social Skills Groups
  • Lunch time Club

Outside School Agencies:

  • School Psychologist
  • Speech Therapist
  • Hearing Impaired
  • Occupation Therapists
  • Nurse
  • CEO Education Officer: Learning Adjustment (Inclusive Education Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)