School Profile

Our School 

Saint Thomas the Apostle Primary School is a Catholic School for girls and boys with classes from Foundation to Year 6 with approximately 100 children at each year level. The school is organised in year level communities with a strong collaborative teaching approach.

The School is named after Saint Thomas the Apostle who founded the church in Chennai, India in the first century and was martyred by a spear. He was well known for doubting Jesus’ resurrection but when he actually saw the risen Christ he fell to his knees and exclaimed, “My Lord and My God.” Just as Thomas’ faith was inspired by the life, death and resurrection of Christ and led to him establishing a new Christian community in a new land, our school community is following his example of faith and courage, whilst establishing new Christian community in a new suburb. The students are encouraged to live Thomas' example of curiosity and faith.

Staff at Saint Thomas the Apostles strive to establish caring and professional relationships with every student at the school, so the children can experience a collaborative and reflective learning environment that educates, engages and challenges.

St Thomas The Apostle school community passionately promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.

The school acknowledges the Bunurong/Boonwurrung people on whose land the school operates.

Annual School Report 2023

If you would like a hard copy of the Annual Report or a copy in a different language, please email the administration team -