Parking and Pick – Up Procedures

From time to time, parking and pick-up procedures maybe altered due to changing circumstances. Please check the school newsletter, “The Spear” for regular updates.
The car park for families is accessed from Fiorelli Boulevard only. Families may use the car park if they are dropping their children off late to school, wish to walk their child to the school gate or are picking up prior to the end of the school day. The car park near the multi-purpose hall is for staff and deliveries only.
Staff are on yard duty from 8:25 a.m. One staff member supervises the 'walkers bus' for students entering the school on foot via MacKillop Way, another supervises the playground and other staff supervise the drop off point. There is no vehicle access via MacKillop Way.
Drivers are to drop off their child/children at the designated drop off bays in the car park. There are two lanes for traffic and staff members supervise each lane.
Please do not leave your car unattended in the drop-off zone.
Drivers are to make their way to the designated pick up bays in the car park.
If parents have parked on Fiorelli Blvd, inside the school, or have walked to school, they may wait on the basketball courts to collect their child.
Please do not leave your car unattended in the pick-up zone.
Staff members escort a “walkers’ bus” to MacKillop Way after school. These students either walk or ride home or are collected on MacKillop Way. There is no vehicle access via MacKillop Way.
Please drive at walking pace when in and near the school. A number of students walk or ride bikes and scooters.
City of Casey are very proud and excited to release our third Safe Around Schools education animation for this year on Driving Around Schools Safely.
Watch and share our new animation to find out more: Driving Around Schools Safely.
This animation focusses on driver behaviour around the school precinct, 40km school zones signs, No Stopping, No Parking, the Drop off Pick up zone and what they mean as well as road safety education and good role modelling from parents/carers for our children around the school precinct.